What’s Happening:

Did you think Joe Biden would suddenly become coherent, post-Election?

Sure, he was able to hide in his basement during the campaign. But if he does become president, there’s no hiding him, and any problems he might have been able to conceal.

While the election battle continues to be fought in the courts, Biden is trying to act like the “president-elect.” But it’s not going well.

He tried to give a speech recently. It was just a simple appearance. But this is what happened when the teleprompter seems to have frozen up:

Looks like Joe Biden’s teleprompter failed and his brain malfunctioned again.

Seems like the so-called “Office of the President-Elect” couldn’t even get the old man a working teleprompter. When his screen apparently froze up, Joe Biden couldn’t even finish his thought.

You’d think they’d at least give him a version of the speech printed out or something.

I don’t know about you, but doesn’t Joe look even older from when we saw him last? It’s only been a week or two since his last appearance—and he seems to have aged years.

That’s not even the biggest problem. He was going on and on about funding for the National Guard, a pretty simple issue. But he couldn’t even keep his words straight.

That doesn’t bode well for this country if he ends up being the winner.

Moments like this only further cast the election into doubt. Donald Trump got more votes than any sitting president in history. Yet Joe Biden somehow was able to get even more, especially in swing states.

Even more than beloved Democrat Barack Obama. Look at the man again—does that seem right to you?

Do you really believe that many people would flock to the polls to vote for a man who can’t even finish a sentence?

Perhaps we should all be demanding investigations and lawsuits?

Source: Twitter