What’s Happening:

New reports have come out alleging explosive meetings behind White House doors. They suggest Trump refuses to tolerate anyone that is crumbling under the media’s 2020 election narrative.

Publicly, we’ve seen him gone after Republicans who are unwilling to protect the integrity of our elections, especially the governor and secretary of state of Georgia.

There were rumors that Vice President Pence was even throwing in the towel. But that sounds like the exact opposite of what Pence just said to supporters.

From Fox News:

Vice President Mike Pence claimed on Tuesday that the presidential election “continues.”

“As our election contest continues, I’ll make you a promise, we’re going to keep fighting until every legal vote is counted. We’re going to keep fighting until every illegal vote is thrown out,” Pence said, repeating a line he has used frequently as he has campaigned in recent weeks in the Georgia Senate runoff elections, where the Republican Senate majority’s at stake.

It appears reports that Vice President Pence is willing to concede defeat are largely overblown. Because during an event in Florida, he urged all conservatives to keep fighting.

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He vowed that the contest continues and that the campaign will continue to fight until “every legal vote is counted.” And he promised that every “illegal vote” will be thrown out.

While we can’t predict how this will all turn out, this election has certain drawn the lines through the Republican Party.

We learned exactly which conservatives were Republican in name only, such as certain senators, congressmen, and state leaders.

And which Republicans refuse to go down without a fight—and are willing to stand up to the media narrative and the left.

Trump has even been able to expose so-called conservative news networks, who ignore reports of fraud and pushed the line that Biden won fairly.


This unfolding drama is definitely opening up millions of Americans’ eyes as to who they can trust—and who they can’t.

Pence continues to support the president in his fight to defend our elections from those who would corrupt them.

Do you still support Pence and Trump?

Source: Fox News