What’s Happening:

The media and left continue to claim that Joe Biden won the election—despite ongoing concerns over how the votes were counted. They ignore the fact that many Americans are demanding answers—answers some refuse to give.

Despite the electoral college vote, the battle is not over. The matter will be settled on January 6—when Congress is required to vote over the results. (Even then, it might rage all the way to January 20.)

But the congressional vote is far from certain, as stirring begin that some might be demanding action. Eighteen Republicans are calling o leadership in Congress to act. From Mo Brooks:

Thursday, Congressman Mo Brooks (AL-05), joined by 18 House Conservative colleagues, sent an investigation and hearings request letter to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and various House and Senate committee chairs. Under the Constitution and federal statutes, Congress is responsible for resolving all federal election contests for President, the Senate and the House.  The letter requests the recipients do their jobs and conduct voter fraud and election theft hearings and investigations so that Congressmen and Senators will be better informed when Congress faces contests and questions about the legitimacy and validity of various federal elections held on November 3, 2020.

With Congress required to vote to validate the results of the 2020 Election, these hearings could carry a lot of weight.

Mo Brooks is calling on both parties to conduct further investigations and hearings over how the election results were produced.

In his letter to Mitch McConnell and Nancy Pelosi, the Constitution and federal statutes require Congress to revolve federal election contests. Brooks is demanding Congress to do its job and conduct hearings over concerns of voter fraud and theft.

The Senate has conducted at least one hearing into allegations of election interference and irregularities. This request will open the doors for greater hearings and cases being heard.

We know that many people put their names on the line when they signed affidavits claiming postal workers, election officials, and others violated the election.

It would be hard for Congress to ignore information like this. But the question remains: will these leaders bother to open hearings?

If they don’t, they are admitting to Americans that they don’t care about concerns over the 2020 election. That won’t go well for either party.

Source: Mo BrooksTwitter