In a new 59 page complaint filed with the U.S. District Court in DC, Carter Page indicates he is suing James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Kevin Clinesmith, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page and others for a minimum of $75 million dollars.[contentad widget=”427100″]


The full document can be seen here. 

Per the Washington Examiner “The lawsuit condemning the “unjustified and illegal actions” and “unlawful spying” and arguing that the court should award him “compensatory and special damages” for no less than $75 million.”

Carter Page’s lawyers told the court Friday “The more fundamental problem was that the FBI was so intent on obtaining a FISA warrant to enable it to spy on the Trump campaign that it did not fully and accurately disclose to the FISC the evidence it had obtained as to whether Dr. Page was a Russian agent. To persuade the FISC that there was probable cause to believe that Dr. Page was a Russian agent, the Defendants provided false or misleading information to the FISC.”

They added “The individual Defendants fabricated or intentionally disregarded critical evidence, and misled the FISC, in order to obtain the FISA warrants. This case is about holding accountable the entities and individuals who are responsible for the most egregious violation and abuse of the FISA statute since it was enacted over forty years ago.”

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