What’s Happening:

Throughout this entire year, Americans have watched as aggressive governors, mayors, and even judges denied them their basic rights. Blaming the pandemic, these (mostly) Democrat leaders have shut down schools, forced businesses to close, and demand we stay in our houses.

But perhaps worst of all has been the war on our First Amendment rights. While rioters and looters were allowed to run free, Democrats denied churches the right to worship with severe lockdowns.

One blue state had strict limits on how many people could actually meet for church services. A church took the case all the way to the Supreme Court.

This is how they ruled. From the Daily Caller:

The U.S. Supreme Court ordered Tuesday that a federal court must reexamine Colorado’s coronavirus restrictions on indoor religious services.

In an unsigned decision, the court threw out a federal district court’s ruling that had rejected High Plains Harvest Church’s challenge to the state’s restrictions on houses of worship, according to the Star Tribune.

It seems Democrats consider liquor stores and pot shops essential, but not houses of worship. What does that tell you about America and our Democrat leaders?

At a time when Americans are in crisis, these leaders denied them their religious rights.

But the Supreme Court threw out a lower court’s ruling upholding a Colorado order that churches had to have 50 people or less attend services.

All across America, churches have been forced to go to court just to worship. From coast to coast, Democrats have decided that we are not allowed to exercise our faith, even though the First Amendment guarantees it.

This isn’t even the last court battle being waged. In states like California, the fight is ongoing, as their governor continues to make up arbitrary rules about what religious people can or can’t do.

Answer me this: is a pandemic reason enough to suspend our Bill of Rights? Does the threat of disease (which now has a vaccine) give Democrats the right to just shut off our freedoms?

The Supreme Court doesn’t think so. Unironically, the three liberal justices on the court dissented this ruling—why should we be surprised?

Don’t be shocked to learn about more cases like this coming up in the days and weeks ahead.

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Source: Daily Caller