What’s Happening:

From the very start of Trump’s election battles, many Republicans have been concerned about what happened behind the scenes. And Trump hasn’t stopped fighting.

The establishment across the country seems to have ignored his concerns—and the worries of millions of Americans.

State lawmakers and even the courts failed to help Trump, but that hasn’t stop The Donald from fighting. And even now, he continues to challenge the results. From Fox News:

President Trump has filed a new lawsuit against Georgia to decertify the 2020 election results…

“[Trump] does not seek a remedy disenfranchising any lawful votes. … Rather, he asks the court to uphold the rule of law and the important segregation of powers principles in the Georgia Constitution (executive vs. legislature), which are fundamentally intended to protect all voters in the country,” the complaint reads.

Trump and his legal team have filed a new lawsuit against Georgia. He is accusing the state of violating its own election codes.

President Trump frequently called on Georgia’s Republican leadership to audit the results and remove those votes that appeared less than legal.

Although plenty of stories have emerged that called Georgia’s results into question, both the governor and secretary of state refused to admit problems remain.

Trump accused the Republicans of being played for fools by radicals in the state like Stacey Abrams. Despite repeated calls by the president, these so-called conservatives refused to acknowledge the problem.

Among the many problems the president is accusing Georgia of, they include ignoring “express directions regarding the collection, handling, processing, canvassing and counting of” mail-in ballots, as well as “improper certification of elections.”

The same could be said of many other states, who appeared to bend or change election rules right before the November 3rd.

Will this lawsuit end up changing Georgia’s results? We’ll have to wait and see.

Source: Fox News