Democrats have been pushing for years to have the District of Columbia officially recognized as the 51st state in America.
And on Thursday, they made that happen in a highly partisan vote.
The Democrat-controlled U.S. House of Representatives voted 216-208 on Thursday to pass a bill that would grant statehood to Washington, D.C.
H.R. 51, otherwise known as the Washington, D.C. Admission Act, would give the district two senators and a voting representative in the House.
The new state would be called “Washington, Douglas Commonwealth” in honor of abolitionist Frederick Douglass.
It would exclude federal buildings and monuments, and federal territory would be known as the Capital.
Under the plan, the 51st state would be called “Washington, Douglass Commonwealth,” named for Frederick Douglass.
The state would consist of 66 of the 68 square miles of the present-day federal district.
Washington, D.C is as a reliably Democrat as California, Washington State, New York City, and other big cities.
Making the nation’s capital a state would give the Democrats two more Senate seats and one more representative in the House.
It is about giving the Democrats more power, no matter what they say to make it sound like a good idea.
Here’s the good news: it’s highly unlikely the bill will ever pass in the Senate.
The U.S. Senate is split 50-50.
With the legislative filibuster still in place, the statehood bill would require 60 votes in the Senate to advance.
Democrats would need to vote with a simple majority — all 50 Senate Democrats plus Kamala Harris breaking the tie as the vice president — to end the filibuster.
However, two Democrats — Sens. Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona — are already on record recently saying they will not support ending the filibuster.
An editorial from the Washington Times published in 2019 details why making D.C. the 51st state would be a bad idea.
In like fashion, for more than 40 years now, Democrats in the District of Columbia and in Congress have been pressing to turn a 68.3-square-mile city into the nation’s 51st state. (Rhode Island — currently the country’s smallest state — comprises 1,212 square miles, more than 17 times the size of D.C.)
But the left has played the race card so often — and so indiscriminately, as in this case — that it no longer automatically bludgeons the opposition into submission. Republicans correctly see the D.C. statehood ploy as the Democratic political power grab that it is, so it was disappointing that they would resort to silly arguments, such as how it would affect parking on Capitol Hill, as reasons to oppose it. H.R. 51 currently has the backing of 220 members of the House — all Democrats — including Eleanor Holmes Norton and two other nonvoting delegates.
It’s nothing more than Democrats looking for a new way to grab more power to help them get more far-left policies and legislation passed in Congress.
Trump responded with:
“There is strength in unity and America is a great example of it to the countries across the world. In the need of the hour, each patriot has sacrificed their needs to help out a fellow citizen.”
However, hope can be lost in the darkest times, and the American people need something to unify them in such times of adversity. The fight is not over yet, says President Trump.
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