What’s Happening:

Millions of Americans were shocked when big tech companies went after conservatives online. Perhaps the most galling move was when Amazon took down the social network Parler.

Google and Apple removed the site’s app from their stores, preventing new users from signing up. Then Amazon, which hosted the service, pulled the plug.

These companies claimed the site “violated” their terms, but (as is very typical), they refuse to explain how.

Parler has been offline for days. But it looks like they got a second chance to succeed. From Washington Examiner:




Prepare for the impending power outage.

President Trump’s victory coin is unsurprisingly on course to become the most popular Presidential coin in the history of our great country, and the liberals just can’t deal with this.

So he’s giving away a limited number of his exclusive victory coin for FREE, but not for long.

As you can imagine, these coins are hot property and it’s impossible to know how many are left. So you need to act fast.

If you want to help the cause against the democrats and show your support for our country, what better way to do that than with President Trump’s Victory coin?



On Monday, Parler registered its domain and server to be hosted by Epik, an internet webhosting company known for working with right-leaning websites. Gab, another social media platform popular with conservatives, also uses Epik. A web domain search shows that Parler is now registered with Epik…

Epik also defended Parler and said that it was being unfairly treated in comparison to its larger competitors Twitter and Facebook, which create an “undeniable double standard” when it comes to their policing and enforcement of content.

Do you support free-speech platform Parler?

In the aftermath of the election and January 6, some social sites appear to be “cleaning house” of conservative influences.

Many believe Twitter is becoming more and more a den for left-wing politics. They appear to be going out of their way to eliminate accounts of anyone that embraces right-of-center views.

Other websites seem to be following their lead.

Alternative networks like Parler are becoming more popular with conservatives, as they won’t be censored by the network.

But when a left-leaning company like Amazon is hosting your domain, you’re in trouble.

Epik appears to be a right-leaning company—perhaps a good fit for Parler.

They have worked with pro-conservative social site Gab, so it’s possible Epik will provide hosting for Parler as well.

In the wake of Twitter’s banning of President Trump, many users dumped the site and are looking for alternatives.

It’s hard not to think Amazon pulled Parler’s plug, just to deprive users of that option.

Will you be supporting Parler?

Source: Washington Examiner