Ever since the results of the 2020 presidential election, right-wing individuals have been worried about Joe Biden’s plans. Specifically, they’re concerned about a Democrat-run government.

Many believe our individual freedoms could be at risk, as they perceive Democrats as often going against the Constitution. And Biden’s latest announcement won’t help matters.

It seems he has the second amendment in his sights.

Biden made a statement on the 10-year-anniversary of a Tucson, Arizona shooting, which left 6 people dead and wounded former congresswoman Gabby Giffords.

This didn’t escape Biden’s memory, as he evidently wishes to lower the boom on one of America’s oldest organizations.

At this point, many citizens who support 2A see this as validation — now it’s obvious that Joe Biden, and perhaps most Democrats, really are interested in altering our inalienable rights.

Via The Daily Wire:




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Democrat President-elect Joe Biden announced in a statement late last week that he aims to ‘defeat’ the NRA, a civil rights organization dedicated to protecting the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens.

This falls in line with Conservative concerns, and opens the door for more hotly contested debates on the issue.

While Biden doesn’t say he wants to ban guns entirely, and doesn’t wish to simply erase the second amendment, he does want to make some significant changes.

This includes more taxes on guns and a ban on semi-automatic rifles. Unsurprisingly, the NRA was quick to respond to the plan:

In the past, Biden has also called for a ban on high-capacity magazines, and wants to further tax owners of semi-automatic firearms.

And his calls for firearm reform will probably get plenty of attention now, especially after the violent uprising in Washington D.C. last week.

Democrats will undoubtedly use that event as metaphorical ammunition; they intend to use those riots as proof that we need stricter gun laws. It just won’t sit well with Constitutionalists.

Historically, Presidents that have attempted to go after 2A and the NRA haven’t gotten very far.

But the situation is very different this time around, which could be cause for concern. To many angry citizens, they feel as if their rights – guns, free speech, etc. – are hanging in the balance right now.

This latest statement from Biden definitely throws more fuel on that fire.

Source: The Daily Wire