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What’s Happening:

Democrats promised a new era of cooperation and “unity” after the “dark days” of Donald Trump.

But it’s been nearly three months since Biden and this new Congress took over. What have we seen?

A divisive impeachment. Thousands of jobs canceled by Biden. Confusion and a lack of leadership in the Middle East. Rising gasoline prices.

And a border in deep crisis after Democrats rolled back Trump’s policies—even Biden finally admitted it’s a crisis.

Oh, and that doesn’t even factor in the massive debt they are pushing through “reconciliation.”

So, what do Americans think of these Democrats? From Rasmussen Reports:

Barely one-in-five voters approve of the job Congress is doing, and most rate congressional job performance as poor.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that only 21% of Likely U.S. Voters rate the way Congress is doing its job as good or excellent. Fifty-four percent (54%) say it’s doing a poor job.

Ouch. Only twenty-one percent of voters polled rate Biden’s Congress as “good” or “excellent.”

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Over half of the country says they are doing a poor job.

Can we really blame them? Biden and these leftists claimed they were more “civil” and “patriotic” than Donald Trump.

But all through Trump’s term, Democrats were divisive, uncooperative, and disruptive. They didn’t really try to cooperate with the 45th president. They used the filibuster they now malign against him. They threw roadblocks at his America First agenda.

Now, even with a slim majority in D.C., they seem to be doing the same thing. They refuse to work with Republicans or even listen to what Americans are saying.

They push radical policies that go against what many Americans stand for. Their policies seem to be causing major problems at the border and continue to increase funding the welfare state.

They are even promising a drastic raise in taxes for many Americans, directly or indirectly.

What did Democrats think was going to happen when they betrayed the people’s trust?

You have to wonder if they’ll bother to reconsider their trajectory, when more and more of these polls start piling up?

Are they just trying to cash out before they get fired in the 2022 midterms?

Key Takeaways:

  • A new poll gives Biden’s Congress dismally low approval.
  • Only 21% of voters approve of Congress, with 54% saying they are doing a poor job.
  • This comes after only three months of this Congress being in office.

Source: Rasmussen Reports