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President Trump on Wednesday is expected to order the construction of his long-promised wall along the U.S.-Mexico border and take other actions on immigration, a cornerstone of his presidential campaign.

Trump is planning a visit to the Department of Homeland Security, where he will roll out executive actions on immigration.

Staying true to form, Trump took to Twitter Tuesday night, and posted, “Big day planned on NATIONAL SECURITY tomorrow. Among many other things, we will build the wall!”

Trump’s push for a border wall started with his campaign announcement back in June 2015.

“I would build a Great Wall, and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me, and I’ll build them very inexpensively. I will build a great, great wall on our southern border and I will have Mexico pay for that wall, mark my words,” Trump said at the time.

His wall proposal was a rallying cry for both his supporters and opponents. His supporters saw a candidate speaking plainly about border security, while his opponents called the plan divisive.

The New York Times reported that Wednesday’s order will be signed the same day the Mexican foreign minister, Luis Videgaray, arrives in Washington prior to a trip by his country’s president at the end of the month.

Trump also is expected to move forward with plans to curb funding of sanctuary cities that don’t arrest or detain immigrants living in the U.S. illegally, which could cost individual jurisdictions millions of dollars.

A source told The Wall Street Journal that Trump, later this week, may order the suspension of entries to the U.S. from Iraq, Iran, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, Sudan and Libya.

The order bans those who engaged in bigotry, honor killings, violence against women and persecuted other religions from entering the country.

Other executive actions expected Wednesday include bolstering border patrol agents by 5,000 and ending what Republicans have argued is a catch-and-release system at the border.

A source familiar with the plan told Fox News that Trump will call for a victims’ advocacy office for victims of crimes by illegal immigrants and increased overall transparency.

Currently, some immigrants caught crossing the border illegally are given notices to report back to immigration officials at a later date.

Trump’s insistence that Mexico would pay for the wall was among his most popular proposals on the campaign trail, sparking enthusiastic cheers at his raucous rallies. Mexico has repeatedly said it will not pay for any border wall and Trump has not provided specific details about the project.


Earlier this month, Trump said the building project would initially be paid for with a congressionally approved spending bill and Mexico will eventually reimburse the U.S., though he has not specified how he would guarantee payments.

The reported stated that the low-ball project estimate is $10 billion. The Government Accountability Office reportedly said it may cost $6.5 million per mile for a single-layer of fencing.

Sean Spicer, the White House press secretary, said Tuesday that Trump’s priority is focusing on those “who pose a threat to people in our country.”


By S.K.