After four years of constant attacks on anything Donald Trump did or said, at least one left-wing comedian is going after Democrats.

During a segment on his HBO program, liberal comedian Bill Maher went directly after “gullible” millennials while questioning how the media and politicians are approaching COVID.

Maher took dead aim at millennials and Gen Z and their total ignorance of history.

Maher said:

In India, young people touch old people’s feet to show reverence. In Japan, there’s a national ‘respect for the aged’ day.

You know the reason why advertisers in this country love the 18-34 demographic… because it’s the most gullible.

A third of people under 35 say they’re in favor of abolishing the police…not defunding, but doing away with a police force altogether… which is less of a policy position and more of a leg tattoo.

The President is now calling on his loyal supporters to aid him in the battle against the dangerous democrat party. He needs all of us to show our support for the movement that is making America great again.

So he’s giving away a limited number of his exclusive victory coin for FREE, but not for long.

As you can imagine, these coins are hot property and it’s impossible to know how many are left. So you need to act fast.

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36% of Millennials think it might be a good idea to try Communism… but much of the world did try it… I know most of Millennials think that doesn’t count because they weren’t alive when it happened… but it did happen, and there are people around who remember it. Pining for communism is like pining for BetaMax or MySpace.

So when you say ‘you’re old, you don’t get it’, get what? Abolish the police? …and the Border Patrol? … and Capitalism? … and cancel Lincoln?

No, “I get it”… the problem isn’t that I don’t get what you’re saying or that I’m old. The problem is that your ideas are stupid.

If you say “let’s eat in the bathroom and shit in the kitchen”, yeah, that’s a new idea, but I wouldn’t call it interior design.

You think someone 80 is hopeless because they can’t use an iPhone? Maybe the one who is hopeless is the one who can’t stop using it.

You think I’m out of it because I’m not on Twitch? Well maybe I ‘get Twitch’ but I just think people watching other people play video games is a waste of fucking time.

20% of Gen Z agree with the statement that “society would be better off if all property was owned by the public and managed by the government” and another 29% say ‘they don’t know if that’s a good idea’…

Here’s who does know… anyone who wasn’t born yesterday!

Watch the full monologues here (timestamped to begin at 5:13)

Maher, generally speaking, is a professional contrarian.

Just because he is finally going after Democrats does not mean he gets a pass for smearing, denigrating, and insulting Donald Trump and his supporters for four years.

Maybe he would have been fairer to Trump if it wasn’t the equivalent of the death penalty for anyone on television not on Fox News.

Trump responded with:
“There is strength in unity and America is a great example of it to the countries across the world. In the need of the hour, each patriot has sacrificed their needs to help out a fellow citizen.”

However, hope can be lost in the darkest times, and the American people need something to unify them in such times of adversity. The fight is not over yet, says President Trump.

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This coin is a medium through which all citizens can be reminded that there is light at the end of the tunnel and America under the competent leadership of Donald Trump, there is no challenge America cannot overcome.

President Trump’s victory coin is unsurprisingly on course to become the most popular Presidential coin in the history of our great country, and the liberals just can’t deal with this.

The President is now calling on his loyal supporters to aid him in the battle against the dangerous democrat party. He needs all of us to show our support for the movement that is making America great again.

So he’s giving away a limited number of his exclusive victory coin for FREE, but not for long.

As you can imagine, these coins are hot property and it’s impossible to know how many are left. So you need to act fast.

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