Democrat activist Stacey Abrams said Tuesday she still believes Georgia’s 2018 gubernatorial election was “stolen” from her.
Her stunning comment came during a back-and-forth exchange with Texas GOP Sen. Ted Cruz during a hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee.
“You still refuse to concede that you lost the race for governor in Georgia in 2018. Yes or no, today, do you still maintain the 2018 Georgia election was stolen?” Cruz asked Abrams.
Abrams replied, “I acknowledged at the very beginning that [Georgia Gov.] Brian Kemp won under the rules that were in place. What I objected to were rules that permitted thousands of Georgia voters to be denied their participation in this election, to have their votes cast out.”
She wordsmithed her answer to claim that she was advocating for a system that permitted “every eligible Georgia” to vote when Cruz interjected.
“I’m going to ask you to please answer the question I asked, which was — yes or no — do you still maintain the 2018 election was stolen?” Cruz said. “That’s your language.”
“My full language was that it was stolen from the voters of Georgia,” Abrams replied.
“We do not know what they would have done, because not every eligible Georgian was permitted to participate fully in the election,” Abrams added, again dodging the question.
The exchange came during a hearing of the Senate Judiciary Committee on voting laws.
Abrams lost Georgia’s 2018 gubernatorial election to Kemp, a Republican, by a little more than 1 percent of the vote.
Stacey Abrams’ voter registration group, The New Georgia Project, is one of three such organizations now under investigation by the Georgia Secretary of State amid concerns that certain voting rights groups were “seeking to ‘aggressively’ register ‘ineligible, out-of-state, or deceased voters’ before the state’s Jan. 5 Senate runoff election,” according to Fox News.
Abrams’ group, as well as America Votes and Vote Forward, are largely credited with playing a huge role in Joe Biden winning Georgia in the 2020 presidential election.
Late last year, Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger has announced the state has opened 250 investigations into “credible claims of illegal voting and violation of state election law.”
During a press conference, Raffensperger noted that “dishonest actors” were pumping “massive amounts of misinformation” into the media ecosystem.
“We have multiple investigations underway surrounding absentee ballots in Fulton, Gwinnett, Cobb, and many others. We continue our investigations into potential dead, double voters, and non-resident voters,” he continued. “As we move to the December 1st election, which is tomorrow, and the January 5th federal runoffs, we have to remain vigilant.”
“That is why I’m announcing an investigation into third-party groups working to register people in other states to vote here in Georgia,” he added. “We have opened an investigation into a group called America Votes who is sending absentee ballot applications to people at addresses where they have not lived since 1994; Vote Forward, who attempted to register a dead Alabama voter, a woman, to vote here in Georgia; The New Georgia Project, who sent voter registration applications to New York City, at Operation New Voter Registration Georgia, who is telling college students in Georgia that they can change their residency to Georgia and then change it back after the election.”
Raffensperger then reminded people that committing election fraud in Georgia is a felony.
Trump responded with:
“There is strength in unity and America is a great example of it to the countries across the world. In the need of the hour, each patriot has sacrificed their needs to help out a fellow citizen.”
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