What’s Happening:

Thanks to Donald Trump, the Supreme Court has a firm conservative majority. And even in the few years of its existence, this court has already butted heads with blue states.

Things aren’t likely to change with Joe Biden in the White House and leftist states trying to push radical policies onto Americans.

One case reached the Supreme Court, dealing with a major battle coming out of California. This was one for the history books, possibly deciding the fate of our constitutional rights.

And the court, in a tight decision, hammered CA for trying to restrict our freedoms.

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From IJR:

The Supreme Court ruled in favor of lifting California’s restrictions on in-home religious gatherings in a late Friday ruling that said the “Golden State” could not restrict gatherings like prayer meetings and Bible study classes…

“Government regulations are not neutral and generally applicable” and should be scrutinized “whenever they treat any comparable secular activity more favorably than religious exercise,” the opinion read.

You probably knew all about how California tried to restrict indoor church services. But you might not have known just how far the liberal state went to violate Americans’ religious liberties.

The biased Democrat leadership even tried to forbid religious gatherings in homes, claiming it would spread the virus.

Even simple gatherings like prayer meetings or Bible studies were restricted. Yet at the same time, the state put no prohibitions on other small gatherings that weren’t religious in nature.

The Supreme Court hammered the state, claiming they were showing bias against religious meetings.

It’s pretty shocking to think that California was specifically banning religious meetings, the one kind of meeting protected by the Bill of Rights.

Dinner parties, social gatherings, and other meetings in the home are specifically protected by the First Amendment. Yet CA only tried to ban religious meetings.

This is just one of many examples we’ve seen over the last year and a half, where Democrats tried to ban religious gatherings.

Even as states lifted restrictions on businesses and schools, Democrats continued to single out churches with discriminatory rules.

The Supreme Court has been forced to weigh in on numerous cases. In most instances, they have rejected “emergency orders” by governors and state legislatures in favor of churches.

As good as this news is, the battle is far from over. Until states stop trying to restrict our freedoms with fear of COVID, more cases like this will reach the Supreme Court.

Trump responded with:
“There is strength in unity and America is a great example of it to the countries across the world. In the need of the hour, each patriot has sacrificed their needs to help out a fellow citizen.”

However, hope can be lost in the darkest times, and the American people need something to unify them in such times of adversity. The fight is not over yet, says President Trump.

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This coin is a medium through which all citizens can be reminded that there is light at the end of the tunnel and America under the competent leadership of Donald Trump, there is no challenge America cannot overcome.

President Trump’s victory coin is unsurprisingly on course to become the most popular Presidential coin in the history of our great country, and the liberals just can’t deal with this.

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So he’s giving away a limited number of his exclusive victory coin for FREE, but not for long.

As you can imagine, these coins are hot property and it’s impossible to know how many are left. So you need to act fast.

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