
Newsweek’s Kurt Eichenwald is having a doozy of a week. He followed up his fake news story about Trump supporters booing deceased astronaut John Glenn (retracted by Newsweek) by making a total ass out of himself on Tucker Carlson’s show. The slippery Eichenwald failed to answer the Fox host’s simple question about a story that President-elect Donald Trump had been in a mental hospital, instead spending nearly nine minutes wiggling like a pig in hot oil to the bemusement of the host.

Now Eichenwald has admitted that he made the whole thing up.

As reported by Business Insider “Newsweek’s Kurt Eichenwald says Trump mental hospital claim was intended as ‘signal to a source’”:

Newsweek reporter Kurt Eichenwald said Tuesday his baseless allegation that President-elect Donald Trump was once institutionalized in a mental hospital was actually part of a series of jokes and intended to be a “signal to a source” to talk with him.

Eichenwald made the comments on “Good Morning America,” as host George Stephanopoulos asked him about the September tweet in which he said, without evidence, he believed “Trump was institutionalized in a mental hospital for a nervous breakdown in 1990.”

“Any regrets about that?” Stephanopoulos asked.

“There’s a long story behind it,” Eichenwald said after some brief laughter. “When you go through the full lead up to that tweet — there was a reporting purpose for that tweet going out, which is more than you are going to want to hear about.”

“I was making fun of Fox News and the rest, who were doing ‘Hillary has seizures,’ ‘Hillary has Multiple sclerosis,’ ‘Hillary has Parkinson’s,’ you know, let’s go to Dr. Oz,” he continued, referring to a point in the election during which both candidates’ health was under the microscope.

“So I was writing a series of jokes leading up to that with the intent of sending that tweet, which was a signal to a source to talk to me,” Eichenwald concluded.

The bizarre claim went unchallenged by Stephanopoulos, who moved on to another topic.

But of course Eichenwald was given a pass from gorgeous George, they are both paid liars in an increasingly sleazy profession.

Those who are onto the “fake news” scam took to Twitter to weigh in on Eichenwald’s astounding admission:

Not only did Eichenwald admit to making up the entire Trump mental hospital tale but it also looks like he fabricated another story about being sent a flashing message by a Twitter troll that he claimed was an effort to set off his epilepsy then went on to make a big production of how he had contacted the authorities.

According to the Daily Caller “Dallas Cops Have No Record Of Eichenwald Police Report”:

Kurt said Friday that police are investigating whether this is a federal crime as he said it is a “cross-state assault.” The Dallas Police Department told TheDC that there is no police report from those dates from either Eichenwald and that they cannot have an investigation without one.

The Daily Caller reached out to Eichenwald to ask him if he had filed a police report with the Dallas Police Department on Thursday and Friday, and he repeatedly refused to answer. He eventually said, “I am not interested in explaining to daily caller how the law works.”

A Twitter user under the handle “@jew_goldstein” tweeted an image Thursday with flashing colors saying Eichenwald deserved a seizure. Theresa Eichenwald, his wife, responded from his account, “@jew_goldstein This is his wife, you caused a seizure. I have your information and have called the police to report the assault.”

Newsweek told The Daily Caller on Friday that they could confirm that what Theresa has said was true. Newsweek’s managing editor Ken Li told The DC Monday they had no comment about the lack of a police report filed with the Dallas Police Department.

Just more proof that the big fake news witch hunt being undertaken by Democrats and their Republican allies in Congress is just an excuse to shut down alternative media sources.

The real purveyors of fake news work at big name organizations like the Washington Post, the New York Times, CNN and Newsweek and there are hundreds of Kurt Eichenwald’s drawing paychecks from these establishment propaganda mills.

Source : downtrend