What’s Happening:

Obama was president for eight years. You’d think the guy would have retired by now, right?

Yet, even though it’s been a long time since he ran the show, he still wants to be in the limelight.

During Trump’s time in office, Obama was in the media a lot. He even appeared on TV and in interviews.

Apparently, that’s not enough for Barry. Nor for his old buddy, Biden. Because even though Biden is in the Oval Office (we think), he might not be the one calling the shots.

Because a White House official just spilled some major beans.

From Daily Wire:

President Joe Biden is in “regular” contact with former President Barack Obama to get advice on a wide range of issues, according to White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki…

“Well, I will say, having a unique view of this question, they are not just — they were not just the President and Vice President; they are friends, and they consult and talk about a range of issues. And, you know, I would expect that continues through the course of President Biden’s presidency.”

Now, isn’t this interesting? Jen Psaki revealed that Joe Biden is in regular contact with Obama. And these two talk about a “wide range of issues.

There has been plenty of speculation that Joe Biden isn’t really the one in charge. People have wondered if his handlers or other staff are really making decisions in the White House.

But, with this news coming out, is it really Barry O making the decisions?

To be fair, there is nothing technically illegal about Biden consulting with a former president. Why wouldn’t an old VP talk with his old boss?

Yet, we know all about Joe’s “problems” with speaking, reacting, and even walking up the steps.

Is it possible this really is what many claimed it could be: Obama’s “Third Term”?

Is Joe really leading the country, based on his own vision, experience, and know-how? Or is Obama and a group of Democrat elite really making the decisions?

Psaki even admitted this “arrangement” would continue through the course of Biden’s administration. Oh, really?

Can we just expect Obama to be the shadow president? Should he be the one in the White House? Why doesn’t he get his own staff, cabinet, and press secretary?

Unless that’s what we’re really looking at right now?

Trump responded with:
“There is strength in unity and America is a great example of it to the countries across the world. In the need of the hour, each patriot has sacrificed their needs to help out a fellow citizen.”

However, hope can be lost in the darkest times, and the American people need something to unify them in such times of adversity. The fight is not over yet, says President Trump.

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